On this episode of the Food About Town podcast, Ian Atwood from Strangebird Brewing joined the podcast in the studio to talk about his path to being in the ROC today and all about Strangebird!
This episode is brought to you by CurAte and our next delivery curated by the Rochester Education Foundation on August 18th! Go to CurAteMeals.com to order by Monday the 16th to get in on this South Wedge themed event and support small businesses in Rochester.
Make sure to swing over to Strangebird in the old Abundance Co-op at 62 Marshall St to grab some of their fantastic beer and thanks to Jim Lake for making a guest appearance in the last segment. Always great to see him!
[powerpress]Enjoy the beautiful ROC weather and, if you haven’t, get your vaccine as soon as you are able. Be good to yourself and to those around you.
Next episode will be out next Friday with Chris Clemens from Exploring Upstate and Brian van Etten from Playhouse/Swillburger and Pizza Wizard! Stay tuned for more!