F.A.T. Episode 35 – Fee Brothers


On this episode of the Food About Town podcast I sat down in the studio with Luc Thiers who is a Brand Ambassador for Fee Brothers. Fee Brothers is a local Rochester company that is best known around the country for their bitters and is a staple behind many bars both professional and at home. Luc is located out of Boston currently, but he worked in Rochester during the formative years of our cocktail scene.


I learned a lot about the history of Fee Brothers and the logic behind using glycerin as a base instead of the more prevalent alcohol base. We talked some about his time in Boston and his current job at the infamous Back Bar in Somerville. Of course there were our fair share of tangents including a discussion of tiki drinks and the potential issues that surround them. That was something I’d never thought about before and our talk opened my eyes. Luc also showed me the proper way to taste bitters and we tasted a few to end off the podcast.

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