On this episode of the Food About Town podcast, Adam Schuman from Skurnik Wines and Spirits came over to the studio to talk about Skurnik, their mentality and portfolio, mezcal nerdery including a tasting, and spirits pairing philosophy.
This episode is brought to you by CurAte and our next meal event curated by me on September 15th! Go to CurAteMeals.com to order by Tuesday the 14th to get in on this event and support small businesses in Rochester.
Adam is the Spirits Portfolio Manager over at Skurnik and they have a wide ranging and fascinating group of spirits to explore. Check out their website for what they carry and ask your favorite quality liquor store or restaurant if you find something on the list that intrigues you. I tasted a beautiful range of rums from Skurnik at the Rumchester event during the Rochester Cocktail Revival including an approachably priced, complex Rhum JM VO 3-Year that I picked up from Baytowne Wine and Spirits.
Enjoy what is left of the ROC summer and, if you haven’t, get your vaccine as soon as you are able. Be good to yourself and to those around you.
Next episode will be out soon (likely a cross podcast with The Beer Reviewed Journal!) and I appreciate all of the support you have all given over the years. Much more to come!
The post F.A.T. Podcast Episode 137 – Skurnik Wines and Spirits first appeared on Food About Town.