F.A.T. Episode 29 – Matty Miller


On this episode of the Food About Town podcast I sat down in the studio with Matty Miller, the head chef from the Owl House over on Marshall Street. We got the chance to hang out for a while discussing his past working in Rochester restaurants, why he ended up working in the kitchen and hit up some of his favorite places. Of course we ended up going on plenty of tangents, but that makes things more interesting!

Make sure to check out the Owl House if you haven’t been there in a while. It is a very different restaurant than it used to be, while still maintaining a similar feel to how it started. Hopefully that isn’t confusing, but I find that it has changed in the best of ways that make it a mainstay on the scene.

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The post F.A.T. Episode 29 – Matty Miller first appeared on Food About Town.

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