Cody Donahue (@codyreconnect), the director of policy and advocacy for Reconnect Rochester, joins the podcast to discuss the organization’s mission to promote car-light transportation options in the Rochester area. A significant focus of the conversation is the challenges and opportunities related to improving bike and pedestrian safety, particularly on dangerous roads like Empire Boulevard. Cody shares insights on recent efforts to redesign transportation infrastructure, including the importance of creating safe bike lanes and enhancing public transit services.
- Reconnect Rochester (@reconnectroc @roccycling)
- Go Bike Buffalo (@gobikebuffalo)
- Vocal New York (@vocalnewyork)
Mentioned in this episode:
Sweet Pea Plant Based Kitchen
Based in Rochester, NY, Sweet Pea is a plant-powered kitchen creating transformative ways of wellness. Harnessing the power of food as medicine, we help you realize your happiest, healthiest self. Use promo code Lunchador15 for 15% off your order! https://sweetpeaplantbased.com
Joe Bean Roasters
Joe Bean Coffee – Coffee that lifts everyone. Use promo code Lunchador for 15% off your order! https://shop.joebeanroasters.com